Amtrak | Diversity Employer
Your Career at Amtrak
Your success is just a train ride away. Find out about current job openings at Amtrak, including position summaries, required qualifications, benefits, diversity & inclusion and frequently asked questions. Search jobs now or learn more about upcoming hiring events and veteran career opportunities. Amtrak trains connect businesses and communities across the country and move America's workforce toward the future. Amtrak employs more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields throughout the United States. We seek qualified, dedicated professionals with demonstrated work experience and/or relevant skills to join our team. The safety of our passengers, our employees, the public and our operating environment is our priority and the success of our railroad is the result of our employees.
Diversity & Inclusion
At Amtrak, diversity is not just a corporate buzzword, it's a priority. It's vital and it's a commitment we make to our customers, our suppliers, our employees, and the communities we serve. We understand that valuing diversity is not only a good thing to do, but a business necessity beyond compliance that plays a vital role in customer service delivery and ultimately the success of our operations. Simply put, our business diversity philosophy means commitment to ensuring our company embraces a culture of respect and appreciation for differences and similarities of people.
When it comes down to business, Amtrak recognizes that our success depends greatly on the talent, skills and experience of our diverse employees, as well as the expertise of our diverse business partners and the loyalty of our diverse customers. Therefore, our aim is to ensure all facets of the company are woven together with the thread of inclusiveness. Business diversity plays an intricate role in ensuring that success. That's why Amtrak continuously finds ways to integrate business diversity into every aspect of our business and workforce culture. The idea is to no longer separate diversity as an independent notion, but to live and breathe it as an intricate part of Amtrak's core business philosophy.
Search among Amtrak jobs
Jobs: 31 - 40 of 151 |
Mgr On Board Services - 90070527 - Boston
Boston, Massachusetts
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Director of Services and Standards - 90377728 (Hybrid)
Washington, D.C.
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Director of Services and Standards - 90377728 (Hybrid)
Wilmington, Delaware
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Reservation Sales Agent (Voice) - Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Your success is a train ride away. Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country and we move America's workforce toward the future. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Sr Mgr Project Controls Frederick Douglass Tunnel - 90386290 - Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Sr Program Mgr - Chicago Union Station -90205651 - Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Sr Project Mgr (Electric Traction Engineering) - 90387298 - New York (onsite)
New York, New York
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Lead Asset Disposition Specialist - 90060906 (Hybrid)
Washington, D.C.
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Lead Asset Disposition Specialist - 90060906 (Hybrid)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |
Lead Asset Disposition Specialist - 90060906 (Hybrid)
New Castle, Delaware
Your success is a train ride away! As we move America's workforce toward the future, Amtrak connects businesses and communities across the country. We employ more than 20,000 diverse, energetic professionals in a variety of career fields th...
Job Type | Full Time |